Saturday, April 19, 2014

New Life, New Blog

I've basically abandoned this blog more than a year. I wanted to concentrate on some other things in my life including painting. I didn't want to continue blogging because I wasn't sure if people would be interested in my life at all and if I would have anything of interest to blog about. I'm not a great writer and I just like posting pretty pictures really. But the truth of the matter is I love reading other people's blogs and I love blogging myself. So I figured why not give it another shot?

I gone through some major changes in my life the most major change being moving to Hawaii. I now live on the beautiful island of Kauai. I've wanted to move here a long time now and things kind of aligned in place to give me the opportunity to do that. There was nothing holding me back. I have a brave heart and I feel like life isn't worth living if you aren't following your dreams. I'm doing just that even though it may be a struggle along the way.

For those of you who have been following my blog I just started new one along with a new website.

Check it out here:

Hope to see you there!
